Page navigation goes back to first page then desired page

Page navigation goes back to first page then desired page

I am developing a simple application in JQuery Mobile for use by messengers as they complete orders or update order notes. This is a single page with 5 separate data-role="page" divs. Operation is like a wizard. User logs in, enters the order number being worked and either updates the order notes if not completed or select complete to enter that data. Each page makes an Ajax call to to the server to pull back specific data. The issue I am having is that when moving to the Complete Order page the application transitions to the Login page, then the Complete Order page. The transition shows the Login page for less than a second, but is perceptable. All pages use the same navigation code on a button click. For the complete page, which is the fifth page div it would be:


Navigation for the first three page divs appears to function properly. Navigation to pagefour and pagefive flash the login page. 

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.