Page transitions are still "Blinky" on Android 2.2 & 2.3 (jQmobile A3)

Page transitions are still "Blinky" on Android 2.2 & 2.3 (jQmobile A3)

Update: It occurred to me to test out the jquerymobile docs and demos page ( in my Android and the emulator (default resolution) - and I can conclude that page transitions are still blinky in Android 2.2 and 2.3 - I spent time writing up the post below, so I'll let it stand so you can see what agony I've gone through (haha)

Edit: I also tried this with to see if you'd maybe already fixed this. But alas, no señor....

It still confuses the heck out of me that I didn't see this untill now however - My app was working just fine (page transition-wise) - and I am using a local copy if the jqmobile framework - so it's not like I'm using a CDN version that got updated or something...



I switched to A3 recently - and everything was working out beautifully. I'm well on my way building my app, and all is swell except for a few minor quirks. I'd been regularly testing with both Android 2.2 and iOS4 and up untill yesterday page transitions were smooth as silk.

A couple of days ago however, the Android phone I'm testing on suddenly exhibits the old (well known) blinky problem when doing page transitions (I think you eradicated that bug in A2, as far as I remember? ) - Interestingly enough it's peachy perfect still on my iPhone

Anyway - I am perplexed as to why this is suddenly happening. I have been hacking away for a few days now trying to figure out what I've changed to trigger this sudden reversal into blinky foulness... But to no avail.

So, I'm hoping you righteous jqmobile gangstas out there might be helpful in pointing me in the right direction.
This is what I've seen/tried so far:

  • Tested my webapp in the Android emulator, and there I see NO blinkyness in Android 2.1 but there is blinkyness in 2.3 - So, Android 2.2 (both emulator and real life phone, HTC Desire) and 2.3 are exhibiting this behavior
  • Rolled back all my changes that I made (that I could remember - I really should have been using Git, but didn't - D'oh!) without finding the culprit
  • Tried testing your demo pages just now... Oh wait... Blinkyness!!!