Panel causing Popup not to show

Panel causing Popup not to show

I added a panel to my page and I soon noticed that the popups were not working properly. I narrowed down the problem to the combination of properties data-display="overlay" data-position-fixed="true" of the panel making the popups not show.  If you remove either one of those properties, the popups work fine.

Here is the html Notice it works fine in a browser, but not on mobile devices.

Tested using:
jQuery 1.8.3
jQuery Mobile 1.3.0 Beta 1 (both js and css)

Tested on platforms:
HTC Evo 3D - Android 4.0.3
Droid Bionic - Android 4.0.4

Side Note: I am using Cordova to run the app. However, I did not include any Cordova javascript on the page.