Panel open problem

Panel open problem


I have put a button into the header to open a panel

  1. <a id="shownavbutton" href="#"  class="jqm-navmenu-link" data-icon="bars" data-iconpos="notext">Navigation</a>

And that's how it is called

  1. $("#shownavbutton").on("click", function() {
  2.         $("#mainnavpanel").panel("open");
  3.   });
This works fine, but when I click a link inside the panel (it is the navigation panel), the panel is closing, the new site is loading through Ajax - and after that the panel won't open again by clicking the "bars"-button.

What is wrong? What I have to change?

here is the code from the panel (panel is placed inside page in front of the header)
  1. <!-- Navigation -->
  2. <div id="mainnavpanel" data-role="panel" class="jqm-nav-panel jqm-navmenu-panel" data-position="left" data-display="reveal" data-theme="c">
  3.       <ul id="mainnav"  data-role="listview" data-theme="d" data-divider-theme="d" data-icon="false" class="jqm-list" >
  4.         <li  class="li_" ><a  href="index.php?menuks=286"  class="first0 " >Home</a></li>
  5.         <li  class="li_" ><a  href="index.php?menuks=287"   >Immobilien</a></li>
  6.         <li  class="li_" ><a  href="index.php?menuks=293"  class="" >Über Uns</a></li>
  7.     </ul>
  8. </div>

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