Parse error with WebKit mobile browsers and jQuery 1.4.2

Parse error with WebKit mobile browsers and jQuery 1.4.2

Changes between jQuery 1.3.2 and 1.4.2 cause a parse error on WebKit mobile browsers (at least on Nokia E71 and iPhone).

In jQuery 1.3.2 line 3189 doesn't cause parse error:

        div.attachEvent("onclick", function(){

In jQuery 1.4.2 this is line 920 and causes parse error:

        div.attachEvent("onclick", function click() {

Additionally jQuery 1.3.2 line 3193 has changed from:

            div.detachEvent("onclick", arguments.callee);

to this in jQuery 1.4.2 line 924:

            div.detachEvent("onclick", click);

Now when I change the first of these in 1.4.2 to that of 1.3.2 the parse error is gone in Nokia browser (couldn't test on iPhone), but IE 8 gives ''click' is undefined' error on line 924. If I change both lines then IE 8 and all other browsers I tried work fine (Firefox 3.6.3, SRWare Iron 4.0.280, Opera 10.51 and Safari 4.0.5, all on Windows XP). Opera Mobile 10 works fine with both 1.4.2 unchanged and with the changes I made.

I don't know if these two changes I made to 1.4.2 are breaking something else in the code, but at least they seem to work with WebKit mobile browsers. Current 1.4.2 code does not.