Parsing XML response

Parsing XML response

I am trying load an data as xml that i have generated through php,
data load with no errors but nothing happens am i parsing it wrong i
saw couple of tutorials online but nothing happened, if change the url
to "gatedate.xml" and put simple xml there everything works fine.
Please help on what i am doing wrong.
Jquery Call
            type: "POST",
            url: "getdate.php",
            data: 'gender=' + Usex + '&minage=' + Uminage + '&maxage=' +
Umaxage + '&zip=' + Uzip ,
            dataType: "xml",
            success: function(xml){
                //This simple XPath XML function looks through the returned XML
                //All tags can now be accessed within the loop
                var _name = "";
                //This function will loop for each match on addresses/address
                $("/myDates/myPeople", xml).each(function(){
                    var name_text = $("pname", this).text();
echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n";
    echo "<myDates>\n";
        echo "<myPeople>\n";
            echo "<pname>";
            echo "Tamuir";
            echo "</pname>\n";
        echo "</myPeople>\n";
    echo "</myDates>";