Passing a variable using multipage template

Passing a variable using multipage template

Hi everyone!

I am passing a variable called ID from one page to the other of my multipage jQuery Mobile application.

So my link would be:

<a href="#detailsPage?id=' + + '">click me</a>

When I click I simply get on #detailsPage but I get no information about the final part of the link ?id=3 (e.g.)

I have read many different answers and problems about this topic from users that solve it in very different ways.
The thing that scares me is that often they speak about bugs or fix to implement in JQM itself.

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Being at the beginning of my jQuery journey I would like to ask to experts which is the best way to pass a variable using correctly jQuery Mobile navigation in its latest version (now I use 1.3.1 and I hope all past problems were solved), possibly not using plugins or strange js routing solutions...
Before I learn something that is poorly done or sticks to older versions of jqm :)

Thank you for your time and patience.