passing parameters beteween pages - listview

passing parameters beteween pages - listview


i want in my listview which displays news to open a new page with these news.

here is my code : 

$('#actualites').append('<li><a href="javascript:openActualite(' + id + ',' + titre + ',' + contenu + ',' + date + ',' + type + ',' + image + ')"><img src="' + image + '" height="100%" width="100%"/><h3>' + titre + '</h3><p>' + contenu + '</p></a></li>');


here is my openActualite function :

function openActualite(id, titre, contenu, date, type, image){



but "openActualite" is not executed...

i want to try with session storage to passe parameters to the next page.

so how to make this work.

another point, i read avec jqm parametres. how does it work ?
