Please provide also HTTPS download from jquery !

Please provide also HTTPS download from jquery !

when using Jquery with google Chrome I ran into following problem:

  1. [blo cked] The page at  https ://whatever  ran insecure content from  http: // .
The Problem: 
Chrome does not allow mixing https and http. 
So it would be nice, if there will be beside:
so I then I may modify the following code:
  1. function addJQuery(callback) {
  2.   var script
  3.   script = document.createElement("script");
  4.   script.setAttribute("src", "");
  5. ...
just like that:
  1. ...
  2. script.setAttribute("src", location.protocol  "//");
to make it work also in Google chrome. 

504 - Gateway Timeout


The Fix: 

Got it running like this:
  1.  script.setAttribute("src", "//");
Google provides  http:  and https: 
and "//" will make the url protocol independent means js will choose according to current location url what to use.