Plugin development question

Plugin development question

so after some time I decided to look into plugin creation. Since for
some time I was forced to load up to 30 different variables from
inputs, so I created a function that would read all the data from one
instead of multiple inputs. So now I tried to reform it into a plugin.
The problem starts here.
Here is the code (simplified).
(function($) {
    $.datareader = function(settings) {
        if(!settings) {
            this.settings = $.extend({}, $.datareader.defaults, settings);
        } else this.settings = settings;
    $.datareader.defaults = {
        bracket: '{}'
    $.extend($.fn.dr, {
            function(input) {
                process(this, false, 'update', input);
            function(input) {
            function(input) {
    $.fn.dr = function(settings) {
        this.each(function(settings) {
            process(this, settings);
return this;
"process" function in does all the stuff needed since I need it
multiple times and returns an object. Now my question is about
"$.fn.dr". How can I force it to return a value instead of just
executing the function, I tried multiple ways but none of them worked.
Which would be fine for the functions that extend this one, since
there I need it to be executed instead of returing a value. Also I
dont really need the "$.fn.dr" function to loop trough all elements
since its only for my internal use, I know it will be fired only on
So to put it simple how can I force the function to return an actual
value? :)
Oh and one more think. I create a "new $.datareader" object each time
its fired. Wouldnt that be a major slowdown or something if it will be
exucuted lets say 20 times? (which can easily happen)