Plugin namespace and img.load function

Plugin namespace and img.load function

I'm wrapping up some simple image carousel functions I've put together into a plugin and I'm having some problems when the plugin is invoked by 2 objects on the page. It seems to be a problem with the namespace and I can't work out why it isn't working. I've simplified the code as much as I can. Can anyone tell me why this outputs the right speed variables:

$.fn.initCarousel = function(options) {
    var defaults = {
        speed: 4000
    var opts = $.extend(defaults, options);
    var target = this;
    return this.each(function() {
        var imgArray = [];                     
        target.find('li').each(function(i) {
        alertSpeed = function(){
        loadImage = function(){// load each main image in sequence
            var nextImage = imgArray[0];
            var img = new Image();
            $(img).load(function () {
                alert(opts.speed); // ALERT VARIABLE WITHIN LOAD FUNCTION
            }).attr('src', nextImage);


    $('#home_carousel').initCarousel({speed: 4000});
    $('#feature_b ul').initCarousel({speed: 8000});

and this doesn't?

$.fn.initCarousel = function(options) {
    var defaults = {
        speed: 4000
    var opts = $.extend(defaults, options);
    var target = this;
    return this.each(function() {
        var imgArray = [];                     
        target.find('li').each(function(i) {
        alertSpeed = function(){
        loadImage = function(){
            var nextImage = imgArray[0];
            var img = new Image();
            $(img).load(function () {
                 alertSpeed()// ALERT VARIABLE IN SEPERATE FUNCTION
            }).attr('src', nextImage);


    $('#home_carousel').initCarousel({speed: 4000});
    $('#feature_b ul').initCarousel({speed: 8000});

Here is the HTML:

<body id="page_home">
            <ul id="home_carousel">
                <li><img src="images/test.jpg"/></li>
                <li><img src="images/test.jpg"/></li>
                <li><img src="images/test.jpg"/></li>
                <li><img src="images/test.jpg"/></li>
            <div id="feature_b">
                    <li><img src="images/test.jpg"/></li>
                    <li><img src="images/test.jpg"/></li>
                    <li><img src="images/test.jpg"/></li>
                    <li><img src="images/test.jpg"/></li>