Popup Dismissible refuses to work .... :o(

Popup Dismissible refuses to work .... :o(

I have defined a popup in html as such:
<div  id="FloatingMenuBox" class="d18dc5cd-e6ac-382c-02df-848250117ad6 FloatingPopupMenu" data-dismissible="" data-role="popup"></div>
in my code I have:

_menubox.GetElement().popup({ dismissible: false });

_menubox.GetElement().popup('open', {

x: box_x, y: box_y,

transition: LoadGlobalV("menutransition")


 The options x,y and transition all work as expected. However, whatever I do, the popup refuses to be indismissible. Anyone any idea's ??? I have tried "data-dismissible=false" on the html to no  avail.
Anybody any idea's ????
    • Topic Participants

    • steve