Possible selector regression in 1.3rc2

Possible selector regression in 1.3rc2

Hey guys,
when investigating why some of the jQuery UI demo pages didn't work with 1.3rc2, we found out it's related to 1.3rc2:
We were doing the following:
$('> :eq(0)', context)
this worked in 1.2.6, in 1.3 you receive: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: >
The bug only happens if
1) The first character is >
2) the immediate following part is a pseudo-selector (i.e. "> *:eq(0)")
3) The pseudo-selector has brackets (i.e. "> :input" works)
This is definitely a regression. Any ideas?<br clear="all">
Paul Bakaus
UI Architect
<a href="http://paulbakaus.com">http://paulbakaus.com</a>
<a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbakaus">http://www.linkedin.com/in/paulbakaus</a>