Pre-loading images with style

Pre-loading images with style

Added feature to use rel attribute with path and leaving src empty for a small performance gain at the page startup.

relase 0.9, 0.9.min
with sample files version too

Added zip with sample html

Added project to plugins page:

We got updates,

It's getting better =D
Mauricio José Rodrigues joined the project, he works with me here at ValeMais Comunicação, he added the classic options object that is a must for most plug-ins and now you can customize the looks of the loading div.

download v0.8 from the attachments, changelog updated too.

I'm new here so... I made this plugin yesterday and perfected it an hour ago.
It's very simple you can preload your images instead of showing the image being assembled on the screen using something like:
so it will do it's thing for all images (or use another selector if you will).

Let me know if there's anything wrong with it :)

ps: I made the comments and copyrights look like of the other plugins I downloaded, as well as naming and stuff.
pps: I have RTFM =D


- added rel atribute path when src is empty (small performance gain)

- Mauricio joined the project.
- added options and defaults.

- smooth transition: removed jump from loading animation to fade-in of image.

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