Prepare spinner for trunk

Prepare spinner for trunk

It looks like spinner is very close to being functionally ready to move to trunk, if it's not already.  However, before this move can occur the following steps need to be taken:
<ul><li>finalize specs on <a href=""></a> for at least all core functionality</li>
<li>get team approval of the finalized specs</li><li>verify that the code conforms to our standards</li><li>write tests to prove the plugin meets the required functionality defined in the specs</li></ul>Because we're still very early in the release cycle for 1.8 (still pre-alpha), end user documentation and full demos are not required yet.  Also, not all functionality defined on the planning wiki needs to be implemented or fully functional; just the subset of functionality that defines the most basic behavior of a spinner.
If all interested parties could review and finalize the spinner page in the planning wiki over the next week (let's shoot for a finalized spec by next Wednesday or Thursday), we can get moving with the rest of the process and land our first new 1.8 plugin in trunk.  Ca-Phun and Brant, if you can list any known issues or open discussions that aren't already documented on the wiki that would be really helpful as well.