Prevent checkbox being checked after taphold

Prevent checkbox being checked after taphold

I've been trying for days now, but it won't work. I have a controlgroup containing some checkboxes, which are being bound with knockout.js:
<div data-role = "content" >
      <div data-role = "fieldcontain" data-bind = "with:selectedList, jqmRefreshList:selectedList" >       
            <fieldset data-role = "controlgroup" data-bind = "foreach: { data: items }" data-inset = "true" data-filter = "true" data-mini = "true" >            
                  <input type = "checkbox" data-bind = "attr: {id:guid}, checked:isChecked" />            
                  <label data-bind = "text:value, attr: {for:guid}" ></label>        
I'm using a "taphold" event, on which I want to open a popup:
$(document).on('taphold', '.ui-checkbox', function (event) {    
      $('#listitem-page #add-listitem-popup').popup('open', { transition: 'pop' });

The popup opens normally, but the big problem is that the checkbox is being checked as well. The checkbox should only be checked on a "tap" or "vclick", which is the default behaviour and seems to work fine. The problem is that when i taphold (long touch), the popup is opened, and at the moment I release my finger from the screen, the vclick is generated and the checkbox is checked.

I tried several things (on the right location in the document) in the vclick eventhandler (and the taphold eventhandler), but there seems no way to cancel the vclick from happening after I release my finger from the screen (taphold):
$ . event . special . tap . emitTapOnTaphold = false ;
event . preventDefault ();
event . stopPropagation ();
event . stopImmediatePropagation ();
. ui - checkbox { - webkit - touch - callout : none ! important ; }
. ui - mobile { - webkit - touch - callout : none ; - webkit - user - select : none ; - khtml - user - select : none ; - ms - user - select : none ; user - select : none ; - webkit - tap - highlight - color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ); }
Does anyone have suggestions? Thank you!
PS, the problem that the checkbox is being checked is on an Android device...