Problem about themes of Jquery mobile

Problem about themes of Jquery mobile

Hi! I've a problem about jquery mobile:

i'm trying to change the color of theme to the "data-icon", applying a customized theme.

I have got a 2 customized themes. Firstly, the colour of the button is green. when I click to button, its changes to red.
The button, change colour to my personalized colour. But when mouse is moving over it, the theme changes automatically, to the first option. Green again.

I would like to know, where is the mistake..

function Dontreserve2hours(data, i, pista){
if (i > 0) {
$(pista+(i)+" a span.ui-icon").addClass('ui-icon-delete').removeClass('ui-icon-star');
$(pista+(i)+" a").addClass('ui-theme-z').removeClass('ui-theme-l');
$(pista+(i)+" a").addClass('ui-btn-up-z').removeClass('ui-btn-up-l'); 
$(pista+(i)+' a').attr('onclick','');
if (i < 14) {
$(pista+(i+2)+" a span.ui-icon").addClass('ui-icon-delete').removeClass('ui-icon-star');
$(pista+(i+2)+" a").addClass('ui-theme-z').removeClass('ui-theme-l');
$(pista+(i+2)+" a").addClass('ui-btn-up-z').removeClass('ui-btn-up-l'); 
$(pista+(i+2)+' a').attr('onclick','');
} else {
$(pista+(i+2)+" a span.ui-icon").addClass('ui-icon-delete').removeClass('ui-icon-star');
$(pista+(i+2)+" a").addClass('ui-theme-z').removeClass('ui-theme-l');
$(pista+(i+2)+" a").addClass('ui-btn-up-z').removeClass('ui-btn-up-l'); 
$(pista+(i+2)+' a').attr('onclick','');
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    • david