I have the following doubt, I am maintaining a form using the php language, it has a method that clones all content, that is, the body of a current row table for each time the user wants to create too many rows, well, this method is written in javascript using jquery. What happens, I added a select to this form and also a function for validating an input field to be required, but the cat's jump is in it, I add a new line, the function copies the current line and creates another one below, right, who does this is the .clone () method, from jquery, and when I edit the line below these changes fall on the line above, my validation function seems to only have an effect on the first line, I'm confused, as I leave and how to solve this bug, I would like a north. Thankful if anyone has a suggestion.
Well, I use another function to make the date field required
So, this function only occurs in the first line, in the cloned lines it does not provide effect, is there a plausible solution to this problem?