Problem initializing jquery mobile buttons

Problem initializing jquery mobile buttons


I am developing a simple JQuery Mobile app, using JQuery Mobile 1.4.2 and JQuery 1.10.2. As part of the initialization process, a method is called in the app's namespace which binds some event listeners and also disables a few of the buttons on the app's index.html page. I am having difficulty performing the disables:

* If I use the "disabled" HTML attribute instead of the API, the buttons are disabled, but I cannot subsequently enable them via the JQuery Mobile API ( $('button-id').('enable') or $('button-id').('option', 'enable', true) );
* If I attempt to call the API in the initialization method, I get an error that I attempted to call the API before initialization completed, despite this method being called via the 'pagecreate' event:
        $( document ).on( 'pagecreate', function () { app.initModule( $('#dqsApp') ); });
* If I first call the JQuery button method ( $('button').button(); ) everything works but the buttons have two borders to them as if they had been initialized by both JQuery and JQuery Mobile.

So, I am a bit at a loss as to how this should work.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide!