Google no longer supporting OpenID so some of the forum Log In links have stopped working

Google no longer supporting OpenID so some of the forum Log In links have stopped working

Logging in from the menu with a Google account works just fine, but everywhere else on on the site seems to use an API that Google no longer supports because you're redirected this page on google's site which displays the following message:

OpenID 2.0 for Google Accounts has gone away

If you've been redirected to this page, it means that you're using a website that doesn't support the latest sign-in standards from Google. We no longer provide this legacy sign-in service for Google accounts, and recommend using an alternative method to sign in on that website. If you previously used your Google account to sign in, you may be able to recover your account using a “forgot password” feature, or by contacting that websites’ support team.

Some websites use OpenID 2.0 for authentication when you're signing in, and to access data that you've given them permission to access. OpenID 2.0 was replaced by OpenID Connect, and since April 20, 2015, no longer works for Google Accounts. OpenID 2.0 support was shut down in order to focus on the newer open standard OpenID Connect, which provides greater security for your account.

If you're a developer of an application that uses OpenID 2.0, you should migrate to OpenID Connect. Learn how to migrate to OpenID Connect.