Problem regarding ajax post request

Problem regarding ajax post request

I'm trying to make ajax post request to google calendar api, but no posting is happening and the data which i want to post is in this form

   "summary": "Title",
   "start": {
      dataTime: "2018-02-12T12:00:00"'
   "end": {
      dataTime: "2018-02-12T13:30:00"'

calId and token i've not given because of confidential information

Please Help

Here is the code-
var newEvent = function( start, end){
$( '#m_modal_6'). modal( 'show');
$( '#add_event_submit'). click( function(){
var title = $( '#title'). val();
var start1 = new Date( start);
var end1 = new Date( end);
var dataJ = {
'summary' : title,
'start' :
'dateTime' : start1
'end' :
'dateTime' : end1

var data1 = JSON. stringify( dataJ);
alert( data1);
$. ajax({
url: calId + '/events ?access_token=' + token ,
type: "POST",
dataType: "jsonp",
data: data1,
success : function(){
alert( "Added Successfully");
error : function(){
alert( "Some Error");