Problem submit data for php-Script via jquery-ajax

Problem submit data for php-Script via jquery-ajax

Hi I have a problem within a Jquery-Script using the get-method to transmit data to a PHP-Script.

Here is the code

  1. function handleDragStop( event, ui ) {
      var offsetXPos = parseInt( ui.offset.left );
      var offsetYPos = parseInt( );
      alert( "Drag von/nach!\n\nat: ("+ startXPos +"," + startYPos + "/" + offsetXPos + ", " + offsetYPos + ")\n");

        type: 'GET',   
      //url: "ajax_div_wochenelement_drag_drop.php",
      url: "drag_drop_funktion_per_get_testen.php",
      data: 'startxpos=' + startXPos +  '&startypos=' + startYPos,
      dataType: "html"
      /*method: "GET",
      data: { startxpos : startXPos, startypos : startYPos  },
     // 'stopxpos': 'offsetXPos', 'stopypos': 'offsetYPos'
      dataType: "html"
    request.done(function( msg ) {
      $( "#log" ).html( msg );
    }); jqXHR, textStatus ) {
      alert( "Request failed: " + textStatus );
When I do a drag and drop on the html-Page I become the alert-Message with all coordinats when the drop-event was thrown out. But it seams that the data to the PHP-Script was not submitted, because the PHP-Script should simple insert the values in a Database and the table is still empty.

At Moment I only test with the Dragcoordinates - with StartX and StartY the other both variables are commented out and not in use for the transmitting.