problem when using dropdown list on galaxy s2 (doesnt works) VS when using the same code on s1 (works)

problem when using dropdown list on galaxy s2 (doesnt works) VS when using the same code on s1 (works)

hi all,
I encountered a problem using my galaxy s2 and jquery 
Form elements:
i took the code for field contaners (the long version-more options) 
and it works on galaxy s1 but not on galaxy s2.
my galaxy s2 version is Android 4.0.3.

and when i try doing the simplest dropdown list without jquery it still have issues with it - the dropdown list is working for like half a second and you cant really choose the option you wanted.
i attached here the code for the entire html code for both options in the same page as well as the new menu which opens in a different page(new.txt).

if anybody can let me know if there is something i missed i will like ti know.