problem with archive's post count positioning

problem with archive's post count positioning

Hi. I'm having a problem that has me really stumped. When I click my blog archive open, say on 2020, the post count number next to that (8), will move down. I can show you here in the before/after pics

This one is an old pic before the number has been changed. And this is the after pic

And here's the related code :

  1. #postcount {
  2. font-family:Overpass, Georgia, Arial, Verdana;
  3. font-size:17px;
  4. color:blue;
  5. }

  1. <li id="postcount"> <!-- this is the start of a year -->
  2.     <button type="button" class="special">2020</button>
  3.     <ul class="year-inner" id="yr20">
  4.       <li>
  5.    <button type="button" class="special2" id="monthly">February</button>
  6.     <ul class="month-inner" id='Feb20'>
  7.     <li>
  8.     <a class="bloglinks" href="">Rejoice!</a>
  9.     </li>
  10.     <li>
  11.     <a class="bloglinks" href="">Valentine's/Vampire's Day 2020</a>
  12.     </li>
  13.     </ul>
  14.      (<script>countItems('Feb20')</script>)
  15.     <li>
  16.         <button type="button" class="special2" id="monthly">January</button>
  17.         <ul class="month-inner" id="Jan20">
  18.           <li>
  19.             <a class="bloglinks" href="">jQuery to the Rescue</a>
  20.           </li>
  21.           <li>
  22.             <a class="bloglinks" href="">Mission Accomplished</a>
  23.           </li>
  24.           <li>
  25.             <a class="bloglinks" href="">TBT: Ace of Base</a>
  26.           </li>
  27.           <li>
  28.             <a class="bloglinks" href="">2020</a>
  29.           </li>
  30.         </ul>
  31.         (<script>countItems('Jan20')</script>)
  32.       </li> <!-- this is the end of a month -->
  33.     </ul>
  34.     (<script>countItems('yr20')</script>)
  35.   </li> <!--this is the end of a year -->
You can try it out here as well. I'd appreciate any advice, suggestion and recommendation. Thanks.

"I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk
through it." ~ Morpheus The Matrix