Problem with closures

Problem with closures

Hi there folks,
started developing a jquery widget which takes all form elements and turns them into jquery style elements.

When I trigger mousenter (line 8-11) and after that blur (line12-15), variable "hover123123" (chose stupid name to make sure i don't use it anywhere) in blur event doesn't change (stays false).
However if I uncomment line 1 and comment line 7 (define hover123123 as global) it changes.

Any thoughts on why my variable doesn't change when it's a local variable?

Thx in advance

Here is my code:
  1. //var hover123123 = false;
  2. (function( $ ){
  3.   $.widget( "ui.input", {
  4.     ...
  5.   _createSelectOne: function(){
  6.     ...
  7.     var hover123123 = false;
  8.     this.container.bind( "mouseenter", function(){
  9.       $( "body" ).append( "Hover changed to true");
  10.       hover123123 = true;
  11.     });
  12.     control.bind( "blur", function(){
  13.       if( !hover123123 ){
  14.         $( "body" ).append( "Shouldn't happen after mousenter");
  15.       }
  16.     });
  17.   ...
  18.   },  
  19.   ...
  20. }