Problem with datepicker date

Problem with datepicker date

I have timezone related problem. Here is described situation:
* My browser is set to use GMT+2 time zone. 
* when I select a date with datepicker I get one day less than I have selected, this happenes just because datepicker makes adjustments based on the time zone. I guess if user makes date selection, he does expect to have result as he have chosen. On the other side server have to do timezone adjustments if it needs to.

So here are some data.
* user choses 2010-02-24 date;
var sDate = goalDueDate.datepicker( 'getDate' );
* sDate.toString() -> "Wed Feb 24 2010 00:02:00 GMT+0200 (EET)"
* sDate.toISOString() -> "2010-02-23T22:00:00.000Z"
sDate.getTimezoneOffset() -> -120

As I understand just because I have selected 2010-12-24, I have to get back 2010-02-24T00:00.000Z. The main question is. Because I'm in different time zone should be my date be messed with time related shift? Because time is not involved in date selection why it takes care of that?  

Would be nice to know how other solves this issue.

Also I noticed another issue:
TypeError: Cannot read property '2' of null

Thanks in advance.
Remis B