Problem with encodeURIcomponent after android/gmail update

Problem with encodeURIcomponent after android/gmail update

I have a small web app that collects info and then fires my android phones mail client. It fills in the subject and until recently fills in the body of an email. I then manually send the email.
This app has been working up until I updated my phone from kitkat (os) to lollipop. At the same time I think I updated gmail. The subject still comes through but the body of the email does not get filled in.
Here is the relevant jquery:
  1. $(document).on("click", "#sendEmail",function(){
        $(location).attr('href', 'mailto:?subject='
                             + encodeURIComponent(emailSubject)
                             + "&body="
                             + encodeURIComponent(emailBody)

Does anyone have an idea what is going on?.