Problem with hash (#) encoded (%23) with href="tel" on Iphone 7

Problem with hash (#) encoded (%23) with href="tel" on Iphone 7

Hello, first of all, sorry for my english .

I have the following problem with my jQuery mobile app. I need to put a hash (#) before the phone number , i solved this with this :

 <a href="tel:// %2300000000">                          
                            <h2>Phone Number</h2>

It's working fine on Android , but on Iphone , i couldn't finish the call. I can see the #0000000 correctly when the confirm window is open , but when i select to call number, nothing passed.

I translate for you : 'Cancelar' = Cancel , 'Llamar' = 'Call'

one had ever this scenario ?

Greetings from Peru