Problem with JQuery

Problem with JQuery

Can somebody help me please?
I have a problem with a JQuery, I can not retrieve the images:

* The image files are in the img / folder and minis are 60x60 pixels
* Within the "each" cycle load for each division with "Brand " image . Use the selector $ (this) and load the tag with the html function
* Each image must be assigned a width and a height of 50 pixels
* Remember to write the path to the file "img / minis / "
* Use as index under the variable " i"

  1. <script>
  2. var productos = new Array("afrodita.png",
  3. "arpia.jpg",
  4. "basilisco.jpg",
  5. "caballo.jpg",
  6. "centauro.jpg",
  7. "fenix.jpg",
  8. "gea.jpg",
  9. "grifo.png",
  10. "hidra.gif",
  11. "kraken.jpg",
  12. "medusa.png",
  13. "minotauro.jpg",
  14. "pegaso.jpg",
  15. "poseidon.jpg",
  16. "quimera.jpg",
  17. "satiro.jpg",
  18. "unicornio.jpg"
  19. );

  20. var t = $(this).attr("src");
  21. window.onload=function(){
  22. //Cargar las imágenes en las divisiones
  23. $(".Brand").each(function(i,elemento){

  24. $(this).html(<img src="/img/minis/productos[i]" width="50" height="50" alt="Brand" />);

  25. }