Problem with listview item and ajax

Problem with listview item and ajax

Hi guys,

Im quite new with jQuery Mobile and i have a problem with <li> and ajax.A page has an ajax at the loading and the <a href> gets me right on that page,and if i go with <li><a href="x.php">x</a></li> the ajax does not load.
in case i make it <a href="x.php" data-role="button">x</a> it works( the ajax on the x.php page).
I would like to use <li> elements because of their design and the count bubble.

Thanks in advance.

[ edit ]

hi again,

i just found out what was the problem:
<li><a href="x.php" data-ajax="false">x</a></li> works well,how its expected :)
i hope it helps for you too! :)

have a nice monday :))