problem with plugin contextmenu

problem with plugin contextmenu

i'm using jQuery plugin contextMenu and i have a problem to get the 3 firts values of elements TD of my dynamic table.
  1. For example,if i make a right clic and clic on details, i want to get the 3 firts values of TD. here is the code: <?php    if(isset($this->errorMessage))
  2.     {
  3.         echo $this->errorMessage;
  4.     }
  5. ?>
  6. <html>
  7. <head>
  8.     <title></title>
  9.     <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->baseUrl();?>/js/jquery-1.4.2.js"></script>
  10.     <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->baseUrl();?>/js/jquery.contextMenu.js"></script>
  11.     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<?php echo $this->baseUrl();?>/css/jquery.contextMenu.css" />
  12.     <script type="text/javascript">
  13.             $(document).ready( function() {
  14.                 // Show menu when #myDiv is clicked
  15.                 $("#myDiv").contextMenu({
  16.                     menu: 'myMenu'
  17.                 },
  18.                                             $('table td').click(function(){
  19.                                                 var recupNum = $(this).parent().attr('id') ;
  20.                                                 alert(+recupNum);
  21.                                             }));
  23.                 // Enable menus
  24.                 $("#enableMenus").click( function() {
  25.                     $('#myDiv, #myList UL LI').enableContextMenu();
  26.                     $(this).attr('disabled', true);
  27.                     $("#disableMenus").attr('disabled', false);
  28.                 });
  29.             });
  30.         </script>
  31. </head>
  32. <body>
  33.     <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="850px" border="2">
  34.         <tr style="font-weight:bold"><td width="79px">Numéro</td><td width="263px">Niveau</td><td width="152px">Année Début</td><td width="152px">Année Fin</td><td>Total des frais</td></tr>
  35. </table>
  36.     <table id="myDiv" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="850px" border="2">
  37.     <?php
  38.     $i= 1 ;
  39.     foreach($this->objRowFraisNiveau as $resultat):
  40.     {
  41.     ?>
  42.         <tr><td align="center"><?php echo $resultat["idNiveau"]; ?></td><td align="center"><?php echo $resultat["anneeDebut"]; ?></td><td align="center"><?php echo $resultat["anneeFin"]; ?></td><td align="center"><?php echo $resultat["total"]; ?></td></tr>
  43.     <?php
  44.     }
  45.     endforeach ;
  46.     ?>
  47. </table>
  48.     <script type="text/javascript">
  49.     $(document).ready(function() {
  50.         $('table#filterTable1').columnFilters({alternateRowClassNames:['rowa','rowb']});
  51.     });
  52. </script>
  53.     <ul id="myMenu" class="contextMenu">
  54.         <li class="edit"><a href="<?php echo $this->url(array('module'=>'inscription','controller'=>'index','action'=>'accueilaide')); ?>">D&eacute;tails</a></li>
  55.         </ul>
  56. </body>
  57. </html>
can i have help please ???? Thanks