Problem with submitting form on Windows Phone and Internet Explorer

Problem with submitting form on Windows Phone and Internet Explorer

I have made a form page using jQuery Mobile containing both regular text fields, select (drop-down) populated with mysql data with php, sliders etc. It's all good and works like a charm on both iOS and Android - BUT, enter Windows Phone.... both on Windows Phone (IE) and IE on a PC, the submit button simple doesn't work and the 'action'-page does not load - it just acts like a regular button with no function...

I have tried a lot of troubleshooting but can't seem to get it to work. I have made other forms with jQuery Mobile that works fine. I have tried isolating/removing the things that might cause the malfunction, like only have simple text form elements, trying both version 1.2 and 1.1.1 of jQuery Mobile, reconstructing this new form from one of the old ones that works and other things... Nothing help...

So now I am reaching out to you guys to hear whether any of you have had similar problems and maybe even have a solution. It is driving me crazy :)