problems updating Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 jquery mobile versions

problems updating Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 jquery mobile versions

First of all I want to thank Nancy for her help, it helped if I was going to download jQ and jQM to page. But I want to keep them jQ&jQM local. I am building a mobile app
and I would like to use the jQuery Mobile with theme (local) template. Currently I have  Win 8.1 box and have  DWCS6. Currently I have the default jQ & jQM files.
My goal is to update to:
D) jquery-1.11.3.min .js
I go through the process of updating DW by copying the new updated jQ & jQM files to :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS6\configuration\Third Party Source Code\jquery-mobile
Then I go into :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS6\configuration\BuiltIn\Mobile Starters
and make the changes in the default htm files, so when I choose the default mobile templtes the links to the jQ & jQM are already set.
A) jQueryMobileLocalMultiPage.htm
B) jQueryMobileLocalSplitMultiPage.htm
C) jQueryMobileMultiPage.htm
Now here is the problem, when I go to save to index.html the copying dialog box pops up and I ok it I get an error saying:
"the file 'data:image\svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,<'does not exist so it can not be copied..
the file 'data:image\svg+xml;charset=US-ASCII,<'does not exist so it can not be copied.
I've tried to update all the way back to Everything above that gives the error and wont copy images. Does anyone have an idea how to update my jQ & jQM, there is alot of cool functions if you can, like I said earlier, I can download it but I want it locally. Please help... and again thank you Nancy...
for somewhat of a remedy...
If anyone is interested, this was Nancy's sugestion----->