Problems Using Ajax to update DB

Problems Using Ajax to update DB

So here is the ajax code located in the startPublishing() function:
  1. streamId = randomToken
  2. $.ajax({
                            type: "POST",
                            url: "connUpdate.php",
                            data: 'stream=' +streamId,
                            success: function(response)
                                            alert("Record updated");
here is connUpdate.php
  1. <?php

    // Create connection
    $link =  mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "1*General", "WebRTCApp");

    // Check connection
    // if ($link === false) {
    //    die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_error());

    $streamx = $_POST['stream'];

    $sql = "UPDATE broadcast SET streamID = '$streamx' WHERE id=1";
    mysqli_query($link, $sql);
            echo "Record updated successfully!";
    } else {
            echo "Error: Not able to execute $sql. " . mysqli_error($link);

I have a this:  <button onclick="startPublishing()" class="btn btn-info" disabled
                                        id="start_publish_button">Start Broadcasting</button>

My code prior to add the ajax works fine.  It basically starts up a webrtc video stream, which is what it is meant to do.

The ajax that I am trying to get to work should update a database record with the streamId just before the video is displayed,  however it is not working for some reason? 

Do you see anything wrong with the ajax and php code I am using?

When I click the button, the video stream starts and I can see it. Which means the startPublishing function was entered.   However, the database is never updated.

I'm pulling my hair out over this...

PS:  I am not a programmer or developer per-se....more less a dabbler so have mercy on me...
Another thing is I've been dicking around with this for days and have never seen anything in any log file.
I believe I have php logging set up correctly.

