Problems with mobile phone orientation!

Problems with mobile phone orientation!

Hi guys, I need some help with developing my portfolio website.

I'm working with media queries to make my website responsive to different devices and have come unstuck with a jquery plugin that I have used. For the navigation, i've used  magicline but when the website is viewed on a mobile device, the positioning of the line goes all over the place.


If you go to on a mobile device, and view the website in landscape orientation (refresh the page once in landscape), then flip back to vertical orientation, you'll probably realize the line is still located on the far right side of the page.

All my the other plugins that i've used seem to be fine, it's just the magicline that I can't get working.

Is there anyone who can have a look at the code or offer a solution? I'm thinking maybe as a last resort, to have a force refresh everytime the user rotates the screen?

Many thanks,