Programmatic way to force button in "up" (inactive) state?

Programmatic way to force button in "up" (inactive) state?


I see sometimes that a button (e.g., <a href="#whatever" data-role="button">) gets "stuck" in the down (active) state, especially if you hold it for a few seconds. there a programmatic way for me to force a button to be in the up/inactive state? I found ways to make it disabled, so there *should* be a programmatic way to make it active, inactive, etc., no?

Also, when a user holds a button, after it becomes "permanently" down (i.e., until you click it again), it also, on an iPhone (using PhoneGap) causes an Open/Copy pop-up dialog about the underlying "file:///....." HTML page, asking the user if they want to open or copy the page. Is there any way to disable this from happening?


Jack a.k.a. Applejacko