Proposal (Request) isEmpty() for next jQuery

Proposal (Request) isEmpty() for next jQuery

I would like to make a request (or proposal) to be included in the
next version of jQuery: isEmpty() method to return true or false for
condition statements. I'm not sure jQuery have something like this,
but let me know if it exist or does not exist? Thanks!
By the way, this is for jQuery Utilities: Object/Test Operation
Here is my code I use to do isEmpty in JavaScript. Someone can make it
better please for jQuery:
// Is empty.
function isEmpty(mixed_var) {return (mixed_var == undefined ||
mixed_var === '' || mixed_var === 0 || mixed_var === '0' || mixed_var
=== null || mixed_var === false || (isArray(mixed_var) &&
mixed_var.length === 0));}
// Is array.
function isArray(mixed_var) {return (mixed_var instanceof Array);}