Proposal: Selecting beyond iframes

Proposal: Selecting beyond iframes

Hey guys,
I propose to add navigating through iframes for the immediate next version of jQuery.
That would basically allow you to do stuff like $("iframe div") and fail gracefully on iframes you're not allowed to access.
Although I never worked on the selector engine, implementation seems quite easy -
a initial test showed that adding something like
if(ret[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "iframe") ret[i] = ret[i].contentDocument || ret[i].document;
at line 232 in selector.js would do the job (probably not in all cases though). I personally think
it would be a very valuable addition, and I can see quite a few usecases in jQuery UI.
I also duplicated that email and submitted it as a ticket here: <a href=""></a>
Yay nay?
<br clear="all">Paul Bakaus
UI Architect
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