Question: Form-Field Selection with Sizzle

Question: Form-Field Selection with Sizzle

I work on complex web-apps with over 100 form fields per page, in
addition to hundreds of other DOM elements. I found that the selector
syntax $("[name=myFormField]") was slow to the point of being
unusable! I did not want to add IDs to every field, so I created a
custom method - $N("myFieldName") - that is dramatically faster. I
only use the [name=] syntax when I need partial name matches.
However, I'd much rather use native jQuery syntax for my new project,
so my question is:
Does Sizzle have a better method and performance for finding form
fields 'by name'? If not, is there anything in the roadmap that would
address this basic need?
This is a major performance issue to me, so any and all info related
to form and field handling is appreciated.
/Kevin Dalman