Question on writing a jQuery plugin

Question on writing a jQuery plugin

Sorry for the cross-post... wondering if this is a better avenue for
jquery plugin development questions.
So I'm trying to create a real simple jquery plugin for sliding
screens around in a wizard like format. All this is really doing is
changing the CSS left property.
What I want to be able to do is this
The options object contains things like the size of the frame so it
knows how far to slide.
The trick is I want to be able to do this:
var pageWizard = $("#bigmasterframe").screenWizard(optionsObject);
And then I want to be able to say pageWizard.advance() or
If someone could point me int the right direction on how to format
this type of thing I would be very grateful.
I guess I'm missing a concept here somewhere, because I cannot get
this to work right. I've tried a million incarnations, but in trying
to follow some of the prominent jquery plugin writers, here's what I
have currently:
;(function($) {
$.fn.screenWizard = function (options) {
var defaultOptions = {
size : "100",
duration : 1000,
defaultLeft : 0
var settings = $.extend(defaultOptions, options);
return this.each(function() {
new $.screenWizard(this, settings);
$.screenWizard = function (input, options) {
var advance = function (){
current = parseInt($(self).css("left"));
$(input).animate({left: ((current + options.size)*-1)
+ "px"},
var back = function(){
current = parseInt($(self).css("left"));
$(input).animate({left: ((current - options.size)*-1)
+ "px"},
var reset = function(){
$(input).animate({left: defaultLeft }, duration);