r2455 - added activedescendant-helper and em-change-event
Author: a.farkas.pm
Date: Wed Apr 15 06:21:47 2009
New Revision: 2455
added activedescendant-helper and em-change-event
Modified: branches/experimental/a11y/ui.a11y.ext.js
--- branches/experimental/a11y/ui.a11y.ext.js (original)
+++ branches/experimental/a11y/ui.a11y.ext.js Wed Apr 15 06:21:47 2009
@@ -79,6 +79,85 @@
+ * EM-Change
+ */
+ $.testEm = (function(){
+ var emElem = $('<div style="width: 1em; position: absolute; left:
-999em; visibility: hidden;" />'),
+ timer,
+ emPx = 0,
+ oldVal = 0,
+ boundEvents = 0;
+ function init(){
+ timer = setInterval(test, 999);
+ }
+ function test(){
+ var width = emElem.width();
+ if(emPx && emPx !== width){
+ emPx = width;
+ $.event.trigger('_internalemchange');
+ }
+ oldVal = width;
+ emPx = width;
+ }
+ $.event.special.emchange ={
+ setup: function(){
+ (!boundEvents && init());
+ boundEvents++;
+ $(this)
+ .bind('_internalemchange', $.event.special.emchange.handler);
+ return true;
+ },
+ teardown: function(){
+ boundEvents--;
+ (!boundEvents && clearInterval(timer));
+ $(this).unbind('_internalemchange', $.event.special.emchange.handler);
+ return true;
+ },
+ handler: function(e){
+ e.type = 'emchange';
+ e.emPx = emPx;
+ e.oldEmPx = oldVal;
+ return jQuery.event.handle.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ $(function(){
+ emElem
+ .appendTo('body');
+ test();
+ });
+ return test;
+ })();
+ /*
+ * Aria-Click
+ */
+ $.event.special.ariaClick = {
+ setup: function(){
+ $(this)
+ .bind('_internalemchange', $.event.special.emchange.handler);
+ return true;
+ },
+ teardown: function(){
+ $(this).unbind('_internalemchange', $.event.special.emchange.handler);
+ return true;
+ },
+ handler: function(e){
+ e.type = 'emchange';
+ e.emPx = emPx;
+ e.oldEmPx = oldVal;
+ return jQuery.event.handle.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ /*
* SR-Update
$.ui.SR = (function(){
@@ -86,7 +165,6 @@
function init(){
input = $('<input type="hidden" value="'+val+'" />')
- .css({display: 'none'})
@@ -128,86 +206,102 @@
labelWith: 'aria-labelledby',
describeWith: 'aria-describedby',
- ownsThis: 'aria-owns'
+ ownsThis: 'aria-owns',
+ activateDescendant: 'aria-activedescendant'
}, function(name, prop){
$.fn[name] = function(elem){
return this.attr(prop, $(elem).getID());
- /*
- * focusin/focusout tyken form j�rn z�fferer�s delegate plugin
- * Copyright (c) 2007 J�rn Zaefferer
- */
- $.each({
- focus: 'focusin',
- blur: 'focusout'
- }, function( original, fix ){
- $.event.special[fix] = {
- setup:function() {
- if ( $.browser.msie ) return false;
- this.addEventListener( original, $.event.special[fix].handler, true );
- },
- teardown:function() {
- if ( $.browser.msie ) return false;
- this.removeEventListener( original,
- $.event.special[fix].handler, true );
- },
- handler: function(e) {
- arguments[0] = $.event.fix(e);
- arguments[0].type = fix;
- return $.event.handle.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- };
- });
- /*
- * inout
- * hover = focusblur
- */
+ /*
+ * focusin/focusout tyken form j�rn z�fferer�s delegate plugin
+ * Copyright (c) 2007 Jörn Zaefferer
+ */
+ $.each({
+ focus: 'focusin',
+ blur: 'focusout'
+ }, function( original, fix ){
+ $.event.special[fix] = {
+ setup:function() {
+ if ( $.browser.msie ) return false;
+ this.addEventListener( original, $.event.special[fix].handler, true );
+ },
+ teardown:function() {
+ if ( $.browser.msie ) return false;
+ this.removeEventListener( original,
+ $.event.special[fix].handler, true );
+ },
+ handler: function(e) {
+ arguments[0] = $.event.fix(e);
+ arguments[0].type = fix;
+ return $.event.handle.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ /*
+ * inout
+ * hover = focusblur
+ */
var handler = {};
$.each({enter: [1, 'in', true], out: [-1, 'out', false]},
function(handle, params){
- handler[handle] = (function(inAddition, type, inOutState){
- return function(e){
- var fn = e.data[0],
- o = e.data[1],
- elem = this,
- inEvents = Math.max($.data(elem, 'inEvents') + inAddition, 0);
- clearTimeout($.data(this, 'inOutTimer'));
- $.data(elem, 'inEvents', inEvents);
- $.data(elem, 'inOutTimer', setTimeout(function(){
- if((inOutState != $.data(elem, 'inOutState')) &&
- (inOutState || !o.bothOut || !inEvents)){
- $.data(elem, 'inOutState', inOutState);
- e.type = type;
- fn.call(elem, e);
- }
- }, /focus/.test(e.type) ? o.keyDelay : o.mouseDelay));
- };
- }).apply(this, params);
+ handler[handle] = function(e){
+ var fn = e.data[0],
+ o = e.data[1],
+ inOutData = e.data[2],
+ elem = this
+ ;
+ clearTimeout(inOutData.inOutTimer);
+ inOutData.inEvents = Math.max(inOutData.inEvents + params[0], 0);
+ inOutData.inOutTimer = setTimeout(function(){
+ if(params[2] != inOutData.inOutState &&
+ (params[2] || !o.bothOut || !inOutData.inEvents)){
+ inOutData.inOutState = params[2];
+ e.type = params[1];
+ fn.call(elem, e);
+ }
+ }, /focus/.test(e.type) ? o.keyDelay : o.mouseDelay);
+ };
$.fn.inOut = function(enter, out, opts){
opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.inOut.defaults, opts);
- opts.keyDelay = opts.keyDelay ||
- 1;
- return this.each(function(){
- $(this)
- .data('inEvents', 0)
- .bind('mouseenter focusin', [enter, opts], handler.enter)
- .bind('mouseleave focusout', [out, opts], handler.out);
- });
+ var inEvents = 'mouseenter focusin',
+ outEvents = 'mouseleave focusout'
+ ;
+ if(opts.useEventTypes === 'mouse'){
+ inEvents = 'mouseenter';
+ outEvents = 'mouseleave';
+ } else if(opts.useEventTypes === 'focus'){
+ inEvents = 'focusin';
+ outEvents = 'focusout';
+ }
+ return this
+ .each(function(){
+ var inOutData = {inEvents: 0};
+ $(this)
+ .bind(inEvents, [enter, opts, inOutData], handler.enter)
+ .bind(outEvents, [out, opts, inOutData], handler.out);
+ });
$.fn.inOut.defaults = {
mouseDelay: 0,
keyDelay: 1,
- bothOut: false
+ bothOut: false,
+ useEventTypes: 'both' // both || mouse || focus