r2693 - + Setting up proper positionTo file in the newly-created utils namespace.

r2693 - + Setting up proper positionTo file in the newly-created utils namespace.

Author: vtGavin
Date: Wed Jun 10 19:09:58 2009
New Revision: 2693
branches/dev/positionTo/ui/utils.positionTo.js (contents, props
+ Setting up proper positionTo file in the newly-created utils namespace.
Added: branches/dev/positionTo/ui/utils.positionTo.js
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/dev/positionTo/ui/utils.positionTo.js    Wed Jun 10 19:09:58 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ * jQuery UI / Utils / positionTo @VERSION
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2009 AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
+ * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
+ *
+ * TODO: create document page for positionTo and add link here
+ *
+ * Depends:
+ *    ui.core.js
+ */
+$.fn.positionAround = function(event, o) {
+    var options = $.extend({
+        around: 'mouse',
+        direction: 'default',
+        forceDirection: false,
+        offset: [0, 0]
+    }, o);
+    var leftOffset    = 0,
+        topOffset    = 0,
+        height        = this[0].offsetHeight,
+        width        = this[0].offsetWidth,
+        op            = this.offsetParent(),
+        sp            = $(this.scrollParent()[0] || document.body),
+        spBorderTop = parseInt(op.css('borderTopWidth'),10),
+        spBorderLeft= parseInt(op.css('borderLeftWidth'),10),
+        opBorderTop = parseInt(op.css('borderTopWidth'),10),
+        opBorderLeft= parseInt(op.css('borderLeftWidth'),10),
+        opOffset    = op.offset(),
+        spOffset    = sp.offset()
+    ;
+    //Ugly fix for the issues of offset related to the body element
+    opOffset = (/(html|body)/).test(op[0].tagName.toLowerCase()) ? { top: 0,
left: 0 } : opOffset;
+    spOffset = (/(html|body)/).test(op[0].tagName.toLowerCase()) ? { top: 0,
left: 0 } : spOffset;
+    var bottomEdge = (/(html|body)/).test(op[0].tagName.toLowerCase()) ?
$(window).height() : spOffset.top + spBorderTop + sp.height();
+    var rightEdge = (/(html|body)/).test(op[0].tagName.toLowerCase()) ?
$(window).width() : spOffset.left + spBorderLeft + sp.width();
+    if($(options.around).length && $(options.around)[0].nodeName) { //If
around is an element
+        var element = $(options.around),
+            offset = element.offset(),
+            relHeight = element[0].offsetHeight,
+            relWidth = element[0].offsetWidth
+        ;
+        if((/(left|right)/).test(options.direction)) {
+            leftOffset = ( options.direction == 'left' ? (offset.left -
spOffset.left - spBorderLeft > width || options.forceDirection) :
(rightEdge-offset.left-relWidth < width && !options.forceDirection) ) ?
-(width) : relWidth;
+            topOffset = event ? ( bottomEdge - offset.top < height ?
-(height-relHeight) : 0 ) : 0;
+        } else {
+            topOffset = ( options.direction == 'above' ? (offset.top - spOffset.top
- spBorderTop > height || options.forceDirection) :
(bottomEdge-offset.top-relHeight < height && !options.forceDirection) ) ?
-(height) : relHeight;
+        }
+        this.css({
+            left: offset.left - opOffset.left - opBorderLeft + leftOffset +
+            top: offset.top - opOffset.top - opBorderTop + topOffset +
+        });
+    } else {
+        if((/(below|default)/).test(options.direction)) {
+            topOffset = bottomEdge - event.pageY < height
&& !options.forceDirection ? -(height) : 0;
+        } else if ((/above/).test(options.direction)) {
+            topOffset = (event.pageY - spOffset.top - spBorderTop) > height ||
options.forceDirection ? -(height) : 0;
+        }
+        if((/(right|default)/).test(options.direction)) {
+            leftOffset = rightEdge - event.pageX < width
&& !options.forceDirection ? -(width) : 0;
+        } else if ((/left/).test(options.direction)) {
+            leftOffset = (event.pageX - spOffset.left - spBorderLeft) > width ||
options.forceDirection ? -(width) : 0;
+        }
+        this.css({
+            left: event.pageX - opOffset.left - opBorderLeft + leftOffset +
+            top: event.pageY - opOffset.top - opBorderTop + topOffset +
+        });
+    }