r2833 - autocomplete: code review

r2833 - autocomplete: code review

Author: joern.zaefferer
Date: Tue Jun 23 05:59:50 2009
New Revision: 2833
autocomplete: code review
Modified: branches/dev/autocomplete/ui/ui.autocomplete.js
--- branches/dev/autocomplete/ui/ui.autocomplete.js    (original)
+++ branches/dev/autocomplete/ui/ui.autocomplete.js    Tue Jun 23 05:59:50 2009
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
$.widget("ui.autocomplete", {
    _init: function() {
-        // TODO move these to instance properties?
+        // TODO move these to instance properties; overwrite setData to update
        $.extend(this.options, {
            delay: this.options.delay != undefined ? this.options.delay :
(this.options.url? this.options.ajaxDelay : this.options.localDelay),
            max: this.options.max != undefined ? this.options.max :
(this.options.scroll? this.options.scrollMax : this.options.noScrollMax),
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
            formatMatch: this.options.formatMatch || this.options.formatItem // if
the formatMatch option is not specified, then use formatItem for backwards
+        // TODO clean up; try to remove these
        var input = this.element[0],
            options = this.options,
            // Create $ object for input element
@@ -37,12 +38,15 @@
+            // TODO refactor select into its own widget? if not, try to merge with
widget methods
            select = $.ui.autocomplete.select(options, input, selectCurrent,
-        if(options.result) {
+        // TODO is there a more generic way for callbacks?
+        if (options.result) {
            $input.bind('result.autocomplete', options.result);
+        // TODO verify
        // prevent form submit in opera when selecting with return key
        $.browser.opera && $(input.form).bind("submit.autocomplete", function() {
            if (blockSubmit) {
@@ -51,6 +55,7 @@
+        // TODO verify
        // only opera doesn't trigger keydown multiple times while pressed,
others don't work with keypress at all
        $input.bind(($.browser.opera ? "keypress" : "keydown")
+ ".autocomplete", function(event) {
            // track last key pressed
@@ -93,8 +98,10 @@
+                // TODO remove multiple case
                // matches also semicolon
                case options.multiple && $.trim(options.multipleSeparator) == "," &&
+                // TODO implement behaviour based on focus-option
                case KEY.TAB:
                case KEY.ENTER:
                    if( selectCurrent() ) {
@@ -147,27 +154,32 @@
                if( typeof fn == "function" ) fn(result);
                else $input.trigger("result.autocomplete", result && [result.data,
+            // TODO remove trimWords/multiple handling
            $.each(trimWords($input.val()), function(i, value) {
                request(value, findValueCallback, findValueCallback);
+        // TODO replace with public instance method
        .bind("flushCache.autocomplete", function() {
+        // TODO replace with setData override
        .bind("setOptions.autocomplete", function() {
            $.extend(options, arguments[1]);
            // if we've updated the data, repopulate
            if ( "data" in arguments[1] )
+        // TODO replace with destroy override, if necessary at all
        .bind("unautocomplete", function() {
+            // TODO rename select.unbind() to .remove(); thats what it does anyway
-            //$input.unbind(); << this would unbind all events. Bad news if we've
had another plugin applied to this element. AAP 03.12.09
        // Private methods
+        // TODO move to instance method
        function selectCurrent() {
            var selected = select.selected();
            if( !selected ) return false;
@@ -175,6 +187,7 @@
            var v = selected.result;
            previousValue = v;
+            // TODO remove
            if ( options.multiple ) {
                var words = trimWords($input.val());
                if ( words.length > 1 ) {
@@ -189,6 +202,8 @@
            return true;
+        // TODO verify usefullness of skipPrevCheck; also try to get rid of
obviously useless first argument
+        // where onChange is used as event handler directly, wrap it instead and
provide the right arguments
        function onChange(crap, skipPrevCheck) {
            if( lastKeyPressCode == KEY.DELETE ) {
@@ -202,6 +217,7 @@
            previousValue = currentValue;
+            // TODO refactor; the request-response workflow is currently scattered
over way too many places
            currentValue = lastWord(currentValue);
            if ( currentValue.length >= options.minChars) {
@@ -214,6 +230,7 @@
+        // TODO without the multiple stuff, this shouldn't be necessary anymore
        function trimWords(value) {
            if ( !value ) {
                return [""];
@@ -230,11 +247,13 @@
            return result;
+        // TODO should be abl to remove this, too
        function lastWord(value) {
            var words = trimWords(value);
            return words[words.length - 1];
+        // TODO simplify, get rid of comments, remove multiple stuff
        // fills in the input box w/the first match (assumed to be the best
        // q: the term entered
        // sValue: the first matching result
@@ -249,6 +268,7 @@
+        // TODO refactor: move to instance method, verify usefulness
        function hideResults() {
            timeout = setTimeout(hideResultsNow, 200);
@@ -259,6 +279,7 @@
+            // TODO reimplement mustMatch
            if (options.mustMatch) {
                // call search and run callback
                $input.autocomplete("search", function (result){
@@ -274,11 +295,13 @@
+            // TODO implement focus-option
            if (wasVisible)
                // position cursor at end of input field
                $.ui.autocomplete.selection(input, input.value.length,
+        // TODO refactor, move to source-related method(s)
        function receiveData(q, data) {
            if ( data && data.length && hasFocus ) {
@@ -290,6 +313,7 @@
+        // TODO refactor, move to source-related method(s)
        function request(term, success, failure) {
            if (!options.matchCase)
                term = term.toLowerCase();
@@ -307,10 +331,10 @@
                    extraParams[key] = typeof param == "function" ? param(term) : param;
+                // TODO move to default implemention for remote source
                    // try to leverage ajaxQueue plugin to abort previous requests
                    mode: "abort",
-                    // limit abortion to this input
                    port: "autocomplete" + input.name,
                    dataType: options.dataType,
                    url: options.url,
@@ -326,12 +350,14 @@
+            // TODO refactor, in this case, most likely remove, to be replaced with
custom source option
            else if (options.source && typeof options.source == 'function') {
                var resultData = options.source(term);
                var parsed = (options.parse) ? options.parse(resultData) : resultData;
                cache.add(term, parsed);
                success(term, parsed);
+            // TODO verify
            } else {
                // if we have a failure, we need to empty the list -- this prevents
the the [TAB] key from selecting the last successful match
@@ -339,6 +365,7 @@
+        // TODO move to parse option; replace the default implementation and
move this one to demos
        function parse(data) {
            var parsed = [];
            var rows = data.split("\n");
@@ -362,30 +389,36 @@
    }, //End _init
+    // TODO update to latest ui.core, most likely using _trigger instead
    _propagate: function(n, event) {
        $.ui.plugin.call(this, n, [event, this.ui()]);
        return this.element.triggerHandler(n == 'autocomplete' ?
n : 'autocomplete'+n, [event, this.ui()], this.options[n]);
-    // Public methods
+    // TODO remove/replace
    ui: function(event) {
        return {
            options: this.options,
            element: this.element
+    // TODO remove/replace: this should be an option
    result: function(handler) {
        return this.element.bind("result.autocomplete", handler);
+    // TODO verify API
    search: function(handler) {
        return this.element.trigger("search.autocomplete", [handler]);
+    // TODO refactor to just call the method instead of triggering an event
    flushCache: function() {
        return this.element.trigger("flushCache.autocomplete");
+    // TODO remove delegation to setOptions, implement it here directly
    setData: function(key, value){
        return this.element.trigger("setOptions.autocomplete", [{ key: value }]);
+    // TODO verify correctness, replace trigger("unautocomplete)
    destroy: function() {
@@ -398,6 +431,7 @@
        this.disabled = false;
+    // TODO verify that disabled flag is respected
    disable: function() {
            .attr('disabled', true)
@@ -408,27 +442,38 @@
$.extend($.ui.autocomplete, {
    defaults: {
+        // TODO remove these options; css classes are hardcoded
        inputClass: "ui-autocomplete-input",
        resultsClass: "ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-autocomplete-results",
        loadingClass: "ui-autocomplete-loading",
        minChars: 1,
        ajaxDelay: 400,
        localDelay: 10,
+        // TODO replace these three with cacheMatch option
        matchCase: false,
        matchSubset: true,
        matchContains: false,
+        // TODO verify usefulness
        cacheLength: 10,
        scrollMax: 150,
        noScrollMax: 10,
        mustMatch: false,
+        // TODO replace
        extraParams: {},
+        // TODO remove
        selectFirst: true,
+        // TODO remove, replaced by parse/source
        formatItem: function(row) { return row[0]; },
+        // TODO remove, replaced by parse/source
        formatMatch: null,
+        // TODO replace with focus-option: "fill"
        autoFill: false,
        width: 0,
+        // TODO remove
        multiple: false,
+        // TODO remove
        multipleSeparator: ", ",
+        // TODO verify usefulness of arguments
        highlight: function(value, term) {
            return value.replace(new RegExp("(?![^&;]+;)(?!<[^<>]*)(" +
term.replace(/([\^\$\(\)\[\]\{\}\*\.\+\?\|\\])/gi, "\\$1")
+ ")(?![^<>]*>)(?![^&;]+;)", "gi"), "<strong>$1</strong>");
@@ -437,6 +482,7 @@
+// TODO replace cache related options and matching with cacheMatch option
(false = no caching, otherwise implementation to match terms)
$.ui.autocomplete.cache = function(options) {
    var data = {};
@@ -573,11 +619,9 @@
+// TODO refactor, probably move to autocomplete instance methods
$.ui.autocomplete.select = function (options, input, select, config) {
    var CLASSES = {
-        //ACTIVE: "ui-state-active" << From the Css Framework
Docs : .ui-state-active: Class to be applied on mousedown to clickable
button-like elements.
-        //Since this isnt a button element, but a hybrid 'menu item', use a
custom class.
-        //See: http://jqueryui.pbwiki.com/Menu 2- Visual Design
        DEFAULT: 'ui-autocomplete-state-default',
        ACTIVE: 'ui-autocomplete-state-active'
@@ -592,11 +636,12 @@
    // Create results
    function init() {
+        // TODO just check if element is set instead
        if (!needsInit) return;
        element = $("<div/>")
-        //.css("position", "absolute") set this up in the css in case users want
to do something wonky with the positioning.
+        // TODO is there a need to append somewhere else? eg. autocomplete in
        list = $("<ul/>").appendTo(element).mouseover( function(event) {
@@ -623,6 +668,7 @@
        needsInit = false;
+    // TODO replace with closest("li")?
    function target(event) {
        var element = event.target;
        while(element && element.tagName != "LI")
@@ -637,14 +683,14 @@
        listItems.slice(active, active + 1).removeClass(CLASSES.ACTIVE);
        var activeItem = listItems.slice(active, active +
-        if(options.scroll) {
+        if (options.scroll) {
            var offset = 0;
            listItems.slice(0, active).each(function() {
                offset += this.offsetHeight;
-            if((offset + activeItem[0].offsetHeight - list.scrollTop()) >
list[0].clientHeight) {
+            if ((offset + activeItem[0].offsetHeight - list.scrollTop()) >
list[0].clientHeight) {
                list.scrollTop(offset + activeItem[0].offsetHeight -
-            } else if(offset < list.scrollTop()) {
+            } else if (offset < list.scrollTop()) {
@@ -730,6 +776,7 @@
        current: function() {
            return this.visible() && (listItems.filter("." + CLASSES.ACTIVE)[0] ||
options.selectFirst && listItems[0]);
+        // TODO refactor, too much going on here
        show: function() {
            var offset = $(input).offset();
@@ -776,6 +823,7 @@
+// TODO this should be a generic utility; where else is it of interest?
$.ui.autocomplete.selection = function(field, start, end) {
    if( field.createTextRange ){
        var selRange = field.createTextRange();