r2950 commited - Dialog: Contain resizing to the document. Fixes #4664 - uiDialog.resi...

r2950 commited - Dialog: Contain resizing to the document. Fixes #4664 - uiDialog.resi...

Revision: 2950
Author: scott.gonzalez
Date: Mon Jul 20 17:03:39 2009
Log: Dialog: Contain resizing to the document. Fixes #4664 -
uiDialog.resizable needs containment:'document' to agree with
Thanks AudreyT.
--- /trunk/ui/ui.dialog.js    Thu Jul 16 09:32:35 2009
+++ /trunk/ui/ui.dialog.js    Mon Jul 20 17:03:39 2009
@@ -340,6 +340,7 @@
            cancel: '.ui-dialog-content',
+            containment: 'document',
            alsoResize: self.element,
            maxWidth: options.maxWidth,
            maxHeight: options.maxHeight,