r3045 committed - Accordion: added a couple failing tests for option active: init and co...

r3045 committed - Accordion: added a couple failing tests for option active: init and co...

Revision: 3045
Author: rdworth
Date: Mon Aug 10 17:57:50 2009
Log: Accordion: added a couple failing tests for option active: init and
--- /trunk/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_options.js    Mon Aug 10 17:45:01
+++ /trunk/tests/unit/accordion/accordion_options.js    Mon Aug 10 17:57:50
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
module("accordion: options");
test("{ active: first child }, default", function() {
-    ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+    $("#list1").accordion();
+    equals( $("#list1").accordion('option', 'active'), 0);
test("{ active: Selector }", function() {
@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@
        collapsible: true
    equals( $("#list1 .ui-accordion-header.ui-state-active").size(), 0, "no
headers selected" );
+    equals( $("#list1").accordion('option', 'active'), false);
test("{ active: Number }", function() {
@@ -93,7 +95,12 @@
test("{ collapsible: true }", function() {
-    ok(false, 'missing test - untested code is broken code');
+    $("#list1").accordion({
+        active: 1,
+        collapsible: true
+    });
+    $('.ui-accordion-header:eq(1)', '#list1').click();
+    equals( $("#list1").accordion('option', 'active'), false);
test("{ event: 'click' }, default", function() {