r3169 committed - spinner - added one more precision unit test to ensure precision can b...

r3169 committed - spinner - added one more precision unit test to ensure precision can b...

Revision: 3169
Author: rdworth
Date: Fri Aug 28 04:03:03 2009
Log: spinner - added one more precision unit test to ensure precision can
be increased without having lost data
--- /branches/dev/spinner/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_options.js    Fri Aug 28
03:45:08 2009
+++ /branches/dev/spinner/tests/unit/spinner/spinner_options.js    Fri Aug 28
04:03:03 2009
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@
test("precision", function() {
-    expect(2);
+    expect(3);
    el = $("#spin").spinner({ precision: 4, value: 1.23456789 });
@@ -368,6 +368,10 @@
    el.spinner('option', 'precision', 2);
    equals(el.val(), '1.23', "2 decimal places");
+    el.spinner('option', 'precision', 6);
+    equals(el.val(), '1.234568', "6 decimal places");
test("radix", function() {