r3379 committed - autocomplete: improved combobox button positioning

r3379 committed - autocomplete: improved combobox button positioning

Revision: 3379
Author: joern.zaefferer
Date: Thu Oct 22 11:49:35 2009
Log: autocomplete: improved combobox button positioning
--- /branches/dev/tests/visual/autocomplete/combobox.html    Sat Oct 17
04:40:40 2009
+++ /branches/dev/tests/visual/autocomplete/combobox.html    Thu Oct 22
11:49:35 2009
@@ -51,8 +51,13 @@
                .html('<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-s"/>')
-                // TODO remove/replace once button is finished
-                .addClass("ui-corner-right ui-button-icon").css("margin-left", -1)
+                .addClass("ui-corner-right ui-button-icon")
+                .position({
+                    my: "left center",
+                    at: "right center",
+                    of: input,
+                    offset: "-1 0"
+                })
                .click(function() {
                    // need to temporarily remove value for search to display all options
                    // find a better solution to avoid the flashing