Radio button value change for hash in Jquery

Radio button value change for hash in Jquery

Radio button value change for hash in Jquery

  <input type="radio" name="search" id="search-vehicle"
value="search-vehicle" checked="checked" />Search Vehicle
<input type="radio" name="search" id="search-damages"
value="search-damages" />

I trying that when come back to for hashing i use following code

if(hash == "") {
} else {
('#search-damages')[0].checked = true;
('#search-damages')[0].checked = true;
if(hash =="Addition Search"){

I am try to make radio button value change in case for damage-search it showing me div but radio not change same case happen with addition search do not change value of button.

following code is using for hash

 var value = jQuery('input:radio[name=search]:checked').val();