Reaction from jQuery Mobile Community on Phonegap Post?

Reaction from jQuery Mobile Community on Phonegap Post?

I just read a post by "sintaxi" the Co-creator of Phonegap who basically slams jQuery Mobile..

" JQuery is enormous and has no business being on a phone. Footprint still matters in mobile and there are much better alternatives (such as  Zepto  or  XUI ) that do the job just as well. As for jQuery Mobile, despite the version number, it really is alpha software (those are the kindest words I can muster at this time). I wouldn't recommend using JQM based on the jQuery dependency alone, but even without that problem I would sill advise avoiding that library."

Any rebuttal? I've just spent the past 2-months of my life in jQM and was on the verge of diving into Phonegap.
