Redirection not working

Redirection not working

I am running a DNN7.1 website. I have a regular website. I added a page which acts as login page for mobile users. I am using JQuery Mobile 1.3.2 on the mobile pages including this mobile login page. If the user navigates to that page and enters username and password, it works correctly and redirects them to the correct page sent on the url using a querystring (example: http://localhost/Mobilelogin?url=http://localhost/somePage , it correctly redirects to http://localhost/somePage). Now I want to add capability where user can directly send his username and password along with the url that he wants to navigate, the login page should authenticate using the username and password provided and once successful redirect it to the url (using Response.Redirect method), in the format http://localhost/Mobilelogin?u=username&p=password&url=http://localhost/somePage . The issue is, it works fine if the user is not logged in but if he logs in and then uses the same url (which has username and password) redirection doesn't work. I tried disabling the ajax using following code, as I read redirection and JQM doesn't work well.

$(document).on("mobileinit", function () {

$.extend($.mobile, {

linkBindingEnabled: false,

ajaxEnabled: false


But it still is not working. Can anyone please let me know what I need to do to make this work.
I tried debugging the login module, which is written in c#, when the user enter the url when not logged in, it calls the page load and hits the break point but when logged in and enters the url the break point is never hit. It looks like browser is not even contacting the server. I am new to JQM, I thought disabling the ajax globally will always hits the server to get the information. Is that not how it works? Can anyone please clarify.